Navigating Market Uncertainties

There is only H2H - Human to Human.
Real Conversion in Fashion is Driven by Emotion, Not Logic.
In the fashion industry, the power of emotion is undeniable.
The fundamental truth is that decision-making is driven by emotion. Logic is just the tool we use to justify our actions afterwards.
In our brains, risk assessment, emotional processing, memory, self-perception, and social cognition are all interconnected parts of a complex, very emotional decision-making process.
Feature-led branding in Fashion will always be lost. Your brand should be based on emotions, not features or unique Selling Points.
Action for the Brand Leader
Identify the Emotional Triggers that will convey the REAL value to your client.
There is no B2B or B2C—there is only H2H—Human to Human. This means behind every feature that matters to a client lies an emotional resonance they might not see clearly or understand. When people convert from the heart, they are more willing to pay a premium and more likely to remain loyal.
To truly convey your value to customers, you need to identify the emotional triggers that resonate with your Brand, product or service.
In fashion, this might mean highlighting how your clothing makes customers feel—confident, elegant, adventurous, or unique.
Fashion brands like Louis Vuitton and Hermès have long understood this, creating a strong emotional connection with their customers that translates into unwavering loyalty.The one thing humans can’t handle is chaos, which is true for politics, religions and fashion brands.
Sudden freedom brings a normlessness so uncomfortable to humans that they will quickly replace the normlessness with another system of meaning and structure.
In times of market volatility, consumers seek stability and reliability from brands.
By understanding the dynamics of your industry and aligning your brand culture with customer expectations, you can establish a unique position in the market.
But first, you must understand the mechanics of tightness and looseness in your space. Exploring this theory offers a useful framework for brands.
Every fashion segment has a culture. Every brand must assess the tightness or looseness of its culture in the market from a consumer perspective.
If there is a pervading sense of normlessness, your prospective client is likely looking for a specific perspective.
Be the anchor of stability amidst market chaos, guiding consumers towards your brand as a trusted source of your earned capabilities.
Presently, I’m seeing an emerging trend where tightness is especially effective in loose places. Where there is chaos, a new generation of competitors promises a new order and creates new market rules.